Free contact form with validation and captchaHow to install and run the Bad Bot Exterminator

Frequently Asked Questions

install dpabadbot

We have made a list of frequently asked questions and do hope you will find your answers here before contacting us

1.Can the Bad Bot Exterminator block all login hackers?

If you are using programs such as WordPress where the login script (wp-login.php or index.php) is a different file from the index.php file the Bad Bot Exterminator will block all login attempts when you LOCK up your site.

2.I cannot login into my WordPress blog

You have LOCKED up your site with Bad Bot Exterminator. Please log back into Bad Bot Exterminator and UNLOCK your blog.

3.Does the Bad Bot Exterminator restore and clean up the blog software files, for example WordPress files, after they were corrupted by a hacker?

The Bad Bot Exterminator acts like a protective shield to block hackers, scrappers, spiders, web crawlers and bad bots from attcking your website blogs or e-commerce shopping carts. We believe that fending off the attacks is better than trying to recover from an attack that corrupted your files. Prevention is always much better than recovery and prevents a lot of headaches and down time.

4.When I viewed my site I had a blank screen.

This shows that the Bad Bot Exterminator is working and thought you were a hacker. There are several solutions to this depending on the cause.

i. Were you editing or creating a new page in your blog or shopping cart? If so, login into the Bad Bot Exterminator so that it knows you are working on your site and your current IP address. Then reload the page that showed a blank screen.

ii. If you were using WordPress when you saw a blank screen for your website, you have an additional solution. Alwyas ensure that the WordPress plugin dpaBadBotWP is installed before operating the Bad Bot Exterminator. You can download the plugin from the previous page

iii. Login into the Bad Bot Exterminator and check if your IP address has been blacklisted. If it has been blacklisted you will see your current IP address in the blacklist. Delete that record from the blacklist and then try to reload the page you were viewing.

5. Does the Bad Bot Exterminator use a blacklist of known bad bots?

No. Each of your websites are treated on a case by case basis. It will defend your site when the hackers attack your sites and then builds its own blacklist. By not depending on a predetermined blacklist it can block all known and unknown or new bad bots and hackers.

6. When I try to run the newly installed program at http:// /dpabadbot/ I get a directory listing.

If you get a directory listing, please log into your website server control panel and look into http:// /dpabadbot/ directory - the "/dpabadbot/" sub-directory. You will find in this subdirectory a file named "htaccess.txt". Copy this file to ".htaccess" into the same sub-directory. And the program should be able to run.

Error Messages

1. I had too many errors on the screen when I tried to login into the Bad Bot Exterminator as shown below:-

Outgoing Connection Manager blocks ip address

These errors are because the Bad Bot Exterminator could not talk to the mothership server, our server at, to get further information. Make sure that your website server's firewall does not block outgoing communications. You can either deactivate your Outgoing Connection Manager or allow outgoing communications to our server. Check your Outgoing Connection Manager, in cPanel, and it will show you which IP address was blocked - then allow that IP address. This will allow communications between the two websites. Only when you have allowed communications between the two websites can you begin to execute the program. If you are not sure, please ask your hosting services tech support team to check and allow communications.

2. I had an error message similar to the one below:-

This error message occurs when you try to view huge daily visitor tracking files, of the order of 60MB. It does occur if your PHP memory limit is 128MB for 60MB files. Try changing your PHP memory limit, on your website server, to 256MB or 512MB, or do ask your server tech support to help you. You will find huge daily visitor data files when you are under a Denial of Service (DOS) attack or you have 90,000 pages or more, viewed per day at your site.

3. I had an error message similar to the one below:-

This error message occurs when your WordPress Address URL and Site Address URL are in Different directories. Copy the file into Site Address directory or for other blogs, the directory specified in the directory of the index.php file mentioned in this error message. Then unzip and everything should be OK. This file is included in the Bad Bot Exterminator zip file you downloaded form our servers.

4. If you get the error message

when you try to run the program, please log into your website server control panel and look into http:// /dpabadbot/ directory - the "/dpabadbot/" sub-directory. You will find in this subdirectory a file named "htaccess.txt". Copy this file to ".htaccess" into the same sub-directory. And the program should be able to run.

5. If you get the error message

when you try to run the program, please check what URL you entered into your webbrowser. This response occurs when you entered https:// /dpabadbot/. Switch back to http instead of https as your domain uses http.


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