ppContactForm is a visitor contact form with validation and captcha and is one of the most advance contact us forms ever developed for websites. It blocks spam and verifies that the person filling up the form is not a bot and has provided a genuine email address. It uses SMTP or PHPMailer to send emails. The script code is PHP.
When you set up the email form you can use either the PHP mail function or an SMTP Server setup to send out the emails. Use the PHP mail function if your mail box is on your hosting account, on your server. The software defaults to PHPmailer if you do not select the SMTP Server option. Use the SMTP Server if your email address is on yahoo or gmail or hotmail or other server.
As you can use two email addresses of which one is a 'noreply' email address and the other you own working email address,
ppContactForm will stop spam emails being received by your working email address.
your working email address is hidden from the spammer
ppContactForm will not allow spam emails to someone else.
your website visitor has to verify that he/she is supplying you with a genuine email address.
This means that spammers cannot hide their identity and send junk mail to you. Furthermore they cannot send multiple email addresses through your email address when you use ppContactForm.
Best of all this spam free contact form will, under certain circumstances, inform you of problems sending out emails. You will receive an email informing you of this. The simplest case of such problems is when you change your email password and do not update the new password in the ppContactForm setup.
Features of our PHP Contact Form
There are several features available:-
You can use PHPmailer on your server or use a SMTP server like Yahoo, Gmail, . . . etc
You can use 2 email addresses. The first is a noreply@mydomain.com email address, the primary email address, so that you work email address is kept private and no scammer will know your real email address. Secondly your own work email address, the secondary email address, is used so that when you respond to the visitor, who submitted a message, he will know your email address for further correspondence.
There are a lot of checks to ensure the visitor is a genuine visitor and not a scammer. A link, from your primary/noreply email address, is sent to the visitor's email addresss to confirm he sent you the message and his email address is genuine. If his email address is fictious he cannot click on the link to complete processing the message left on the contact form. If he recieves the link and clicks on it you know that he is a genuine visitor and has confirmed that he sent you the message. Your work email address is not revealed to him until he clicks on the link sent to him. Thats how spammers are blocked and the visitor is confirmed to be genuine.
You can block use of emails. This is a brilliant feature as then all messages will be saved on your server. There is will be no need for OAuth 2.0 and there will be no need for your app to be classified as a Less Secure App. This because when your contact form is classified as a less secure app, Google will block it form sending emails. This can results in lost messages and loss of business, client and visitor contacts. Worst still error codes may show up and scare the potential visitor from ever using your website again - you lose customers.
If you are like me with several websites, you do not need to have several email addresses, one or two for each website. I only have two email addresses, a noreply email address and a work email address that are used across all my websites. That saves me a lot of work checking through all my websites email addresses. Now I only need to check one email address and see the messages posted on all my websites. How do I know from which website the message is? I place the name of the website in the 'Sub:' field of the contact us form. Furthermore, ppContactForm will send me the website url, the IP address of the visitor and date and time the message was submitted. You too can do this if you are using an SMTP hosted email address like those hosted on Google's Gmail or Yahoo or hotmail . . . etc.
Deactivate your host server Outgoing Connection Manager
Do Note: You need to add IP address currently: to the Outgoing Connection Manager in your host server. This is necessary if you did not deactivate the Outgoing Connection Manager. If you have activated your Outgoing Connection Manager (Firewall) on your host server, do allow access to our website. Our dedicated IP address is currently: Do allow access to this IP address so that our server, https://www.drpeterscode.com and ppContactForm can send and receive messages. This is to allow our server to send you notifications should your outgoing emails fail to be sent. As most servers have tightened security since 2013/2015 (they have by default activated the Outgoing Connection Manager to block out going email) you will either need to deactivate this Outgoing Connection Manager or supply a list of IP addresses that are used by your SMTP server, gmail, hotmail, yahoo, ...etc. If you are not sure please contact your hosting service provider tech support.
The other reason for deactivating the Outgoing Connection Manager or allowing access to our servers at IP address currently: is that ppContactform can update its self with announcements of the latest developments of our products. These are displayed on the left sidebar of ppContactForm.
1. If your website visitors have difficulties and the mail system does not work on your website ppContForm will inform our server. Upon receiving a distress signal from your website our server will send you an email to inform you that there is something wrong on your server.
2. You will not lose any potential customer and you will receive their message.
3. We can update the left sidebar of ppContactForm to inform you of latest upgrades and products.
Video on how to install and setup ppContactForm
ppContactForm can be used on WordPress websites
For security reasons WordPress has stripped all uses of "scripts" and javascripts in the post and pages. That means you cannot insert the contact form webpage into WordPress but you can place a link to the Contact Us webpage so that your viewers can contact you. I have a contact-us.php webpage at to root of my website. And in the 'contact us' page in WordPress, http://bachutha.com/contact-us/ I put a link to that page. For example my contact us WordPress page is :-
And the contact-us.php script at root level looks like:-
Or in your WordPress Contact Us page you could link directly to the script in ppContactForm directory
Then you would not need the contact-us.php webpage as shown above.
All the visitor has to do is to go to the Contact Us WordPress page and click on the link to view the contact form.
Error Messages
You may receive several types of error messages.
1. Could not connect to smtp host ssl://smtp.gmail.com (13) (Permission denied)
Some error occured - SMTP Mail Server
In this case the gmail email address was used and we were using SMTP server. This indicates that Outgoing Connection Manager is activated on your website and you have not specified IP addresses to which data can be sent to. The easiest way around this situation is to deactivate the Outgoing Connection Manager on your server hosting account. If you are not sure how to do this please contact your hosting tech support. The other reason is that your host has not allowed communications between your site and our site. Please allow this by specifying the your server to allow communications with our server at IP address at
2. Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the hosting server tech support with the following error message reported by the SMTP server: "535 5.7.8 https:// support.google.com /mail/answer /14257 k3sm2170302wjh.7 - gsmtp"
Some error occured - SMTP Mail Server Warning: file_get_contents() [ function.file-get-contents ]: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:140770FC:SSL routines: SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO: unknown protocol in /home/www/mydomain.com /ppcontactform /inc/myxxxxxxxxx.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 101
Warning: file_get_contents() [ function.file-get-contents ]: Failed to enable crypto in /home/www/mydomain.com /ppcontactform /inc/myxxxxxxxxx.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 101
Warning: file_get_contents( https://www.dpadownloads.com /dpacontactus/dpaiem.php ) [ function.file-get-contents ]: failed to open stream: operation failed in /home/www/dpabadbot.com /ppcontactform /inc/myxxxxxxxxx.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 101
This error message indicates that either our or your SSL certificate for our / your website appears to be misconfigured and was not operational. Please ask your hosting services tech support to reinstall your SSL certificate and please let us know about this.
PHP contact us form free download
ppContactForm will stop spam emails being received by your working email address.
your working email address is hidden from the spammer
ppContactForm will not allow spam emails to someone else.
your website visitor has to verify that he/she is supplying you with a genuine email address.
This article on a free php contact form with validation and captcha was researched and written by Peter Achutha, 21st April 2016 & updated 19th June 2021
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